CSI: Case Study Investigation offerings present true-to-practice scenarios designed to lead the participant through the initial presentation to treatment, discharge and follow-up. The goal of these case studies is to bring awareness to the veterinary team thereby improving treatment protocols and helping to increase the quality of medical care provided to patients.
These case studies are structured to allow participants to proceed at your own pace. All material for a case study is contained online...no additional materials are needed. Each case study carries 1 RACE credit for veterinarians and technicians, except for Billy and the Toxic Encounter, which is approved for technicians only.
The Case Studies are appropriate for all veterinary practice team members involved in patient care who wish to broaden and/or review their medical knowledge. The cases contain medical terminology so a fundamental understanding of general medical terms and procedures is recommended.
The average student will spend 1 or more hours in order to complete the mandatory requirements.
For more details or to enroll just click on the name of any case study below: